Guy Fawkes Day is November 5. It is the commemoration of the failure of Guy Fawkes and his followers of blowing up Parliament and killing the king in 1605. His group was Roman Catholic and their goal was to end Protestant rule in England by killing the Protestant aristocracy. However their Gunpowder Plan was foiled and it is now celebrated annually with a bonfire and fireworks. Historically old clothes were stuffed to make a body (supposed to be Guy Fawkes) and placed on top of the bonfire to burn. This is now seen as a little too archaic and gruesome and is not as popular as it once was.
My celebrations of Guy Fawkes started Nov. 1st by attending the bonfire in Fairfield. However, due to extreme cold and me being ill we left soon after the bonfire started and missed the fireworks. Saturday night we were able to see the fireworks in Blackpool put on for the event.
Fireworks have been going off every night since last Thursday and now 2 days after the official Guy Fawkes Day things have quieted down significantly.
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