Saturday, November 24, 2007

English Kids Say the Darndest Things

A few silly stories:
A few weeks ago I was sitting in the living room with Sadie and her mom. She pointed to my thumb and asked me what it was. I told her it was my thumb. I guess because of my accent she said, “That sounds like thong. That’s the kinda pants [underwear] my mummy wears.”

Last Friday we went on an excursion with the Whaley Bridge youth group. Since it was an activity out of the normal there were a few kids who don’t usually come and therefore aren’t used to me yet. On our way home one girl (about 11) told me “You don’t talk like I’m from around Buxton. But I can’t figure out where it’s from…It’s not Buxton, not Birmingham. It’s not Newcastle.” Then Nigel said, “No it’s much further west than that.” She kept naming places ending with another girl in the back telling her that I was from America. Her response was, “Well I guess it’s east from England…depending which way you’re facing.”

Yesterday I was having lunch in the dining room with a mixture of staff, residents, and community support clients. Sadie had been sick during the night and wasn’t at school. However by lunchtime she was obviously feeling much better. I was teasing her about “playing hooky” which is a term not used in England. She had also been playing with Junior Scrabble during our conversation. When Natalie (a community support client) walked up to the table Sadie asked Natalie to play hooky with her, clearly thinking that I was calling the board game she was looking at hooky. I laughed so hard I started choking on my vegetables.

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