Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Youth Weekend

The weekend before my vacation to Amsterdam was the retreat for the youth group I work with on Friday nights. It was such a great time but left me completely 'knackered'! We had about 12 youth aging from 11-18. We spent two nights at the Champion House in Edale. The Champion House is a Christian retreat center and Edale is a small village about 15 miles from Buxton. It is in the middle of the Peak District and just gorgeous.
The topic of the weekend was the Fruits of the Spirit. The kids engaged in a lot of good conversation. Check out this video we watched through out the weekend. I think it actually did help all of us remember the Fruits of the Spirit a little more!

Saturday we walked through the Peak District to Castleton and had lunch there and walked back. The weather couldn't have been better and I was so thankful for the blue skies and sunshine. It had been too long since I'd seen either one of them. I was very happy to be outside and able to fully enjoy the good weather. I was so entertained with the sheep carelessly grazing in the grass and kept taking pictures of them, which in return kept the youth group entertained with me. "Don't you have sheep in the US?" they would ask. "Well yes, but not in the desert." I would reply. I also had to remind them that I wasn't a circus act that they could have me repeat things simply for their enjoyment. But it was so much fun. They love asking me questions about America and return love teaching me about England. It works out pretty well!

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